Köszöntjük a Visegrádi csoport (V4) – a Cseh Köztársaság, Magyarország, Lengyelország és Szlovákia regionális együttműködésének – Magyar Építőművészek Szövetsége által működtetett honlapján. A honlap az orszá
gok szakmai szervezeti által szervezett építészeti vándorkiállítás és konferencia programsorozatot mutatja be és ad hírt az eseményeiről.
This website is about a program under the title:
This is travelling exhibition showing 40 family houses (10 from each V4 countries),with stops in all four countries. A conference of the presidents/statutory representative of the partners (Association of Hungarian Architects, Stowarzyszenie Architektów Polskich, Spolok Architektov Slovenska, ČASOPIS ARCHITEKT).
The tasks: to confirm and widen the cooperation of the NGO-s, to sign the organizational and operational procedures document of the Architectural Partnership of the V4 Countries.
The project started seven years ago when the four NGO-s (AHA, SARP, OA, SAS) established the Architectural Partnership of the Visegrad Four. Since then the project runs continuosly, so in 2015 it will be the VIII th edition of the exhibition. In this case the project is up to strengthen the feeling that there is more common in the V4 family houses from the different four countries than difference. One can hardly distinguish where one house was built unless reading it’s title below. The family house is showing not only the talent of the architect but also the power of the owner (financially also as from a cultural point of view). So we can say the Visegrad Four Family Houses project is a project of success, not only for the architects but for the common audience too. It is looking for the origins (eg. folk architecture, vernacular architecture), answers to the questions of today such as sustainability and the protection of the built environment. The Partnership of NGO-s is particularly in the need of reformation and waiting for clear ways of the cross-border cooperation between civil societies. So during the meeting of the presidents and representatives of the NGO-s organizational and operational procedures document is planned to be signed. The aim of the exhibition is to reach more cities than ever before, especially where there’s a faculty of architecture in their university.Flyers belong to the exhibition.The project is also to widen the relationships with the countries with those who are involved in the Visegrad+Western Balkan(eg. Serbia) project, and on the other hand with countries of the Carpatians. It’s main goal is the cooperation of experts (eg. architects) and also the communication between our civil societies and members of the cultural life and the media.